

VR Usage and Consumer Attitudes

Boston, MA (USA), July 2019 - ARtillery Intelligence's latest report examines original consumer survey data: How do consumers feel about VR? Who's using it? What devices and apps do they prefer? And what do they want to see next? Perhaps more important, what are non-users' reasons for disinterest? And how can VR software developers and hardware players optimize product strategies accordingly?



The New Agile eLearning Development Book

Marina ArshavskiyBaltimore, MD (USA), June 2019 - (by Marina Arshavskiy) Throughout my career as an eLearning designer and developer, I have worked with multiple clients using the waterfall, ADDIE model. However, project after project, I ran into the same type of obstacles. Things were missed during the analysis and design phases, and changes in scope were difficult and too expensive to implement. Furthermore, storyboards were not always effective in communicating the evaluating design alternatives, and detailed outlines and storyboards were so set in stone that there were no more opportunities for creativity.


New Guide

How Creative Do You Feel Right Now?

Plymouth (UK), June 2019 - If your creativity is firing on all cylinders, that’s great. If you’re like most of us, though, you could do with a boost. A new guide, "4 ways to be courageously creative in learning", can help.


International Trends

IBA GEI Report Highlights HR Issues across Countries

London (UK), May 2019 - In its seventh Annual Global Report, the International Bar Association Global Employment Institute (IBA GEI) highlights general international trends in human resources (HR) law. The information is compiled from the surveyed responses of lawyers in 46 countries, who were asked to consider the most relevant issues relating to employment, industrial relations, discrimination, and immigration law during 2017 and the start of 2018. They were also requested to explain concisely their significance. The Report builds on the historical perspective of previous editions of the publication.


Online Survey

Collecting Inputs from All Key Stakeholder Groups

Brussels (BE), May 2019 - An online survey is currently being carried out in the context of the "Promoting Online Training Opportunities for the Workforce in Europe" initiative launched by the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship, and SMEs (DG GROW). This initiative is coordinated by PwC in cooperation with European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) and Espace Mendes France.



Evaluating eLearning to Demonstrate ROI

Evaluating eLearningBrighton (UK), March 2019 - Evaluating eLearning isn’t complicated or scary, and it doesn’t require long processes like the Kirkpatrick model. There are many easier and more modern ways to measure success and show the return on investment of your online learning strategy to business leaders.